Double click on the field to show it's attributes.
Set "Dynamic Data" to "Yes" to use variables.
Specify the form prompt in "Prompt"
Upload a Sample File
- Select "Fields" from the menu
- Double click on "Label and Page Attributes"
- Select the "Data" tab
- Select "Upload" to open the "File Upload" dialog
- Enter a name and description
- Choose a sample CSV, JSON, XML or Excel file in your file format.
- Press the Upload button
- LPS NG now analyzes your data file to understand it's structure
- Select the "XPath" of the label node in the data file.
Use the Data in Fields
- You can now select the XPath of data fields, when defining variable data fields.
- The "Sample" field shows some of the field values (of the selected XPath) seen in the sample file.
- The selected sample value is used for "Run" - "Run" - "Use data from sample file".