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External Application Integration

Web Services

RSJ LPS NG provides the following web services:

  • Submit Print Job

Submit Print Job

Parameter Value
URL /submit
Method POST
Content-Type multipart/form-data
title Job description for display
format Layout Id
data Data (in CSV, JSON, XML or Excel)
callback optional JSONP callback
oauth_token OAuth2 access token (if not specified in Authorization HTTP header in Oauth scheme)


RSJ LPS NG uses the standard OAuth2 protocol to securely integrate muliple independed external application for a multitude of users.

RSJ LPS NG uses this authentication as basis for it's routing decisions

External Application Registration

Developers can register an external application with RSJ LPS NG online by providing:

  • Application Name
  • Application Description
  • Application Icon
  • Application Redirect URL

They will receive:

  • Application Id
  • Application Secret

External Application Authorization

End users can online authorize external applications to use RSJ LPS NG on their behalve.

End User View

  1. The user click on a link in the external application, which redirects them to the RSJ LPS NG sign on (if not already logged in) and then to the RSJ LPS NG authorization screen
  2. If the user accepts the application linkage, it is redirected back to the the external application where the authentication information is stored.

External Application View

The external application provides the following information with the redirect:

  • Application Id (assigned during Application Registration)
  • Callback URL (specified during Application Registration)
  • Optional context information (for callback)

Parameter Value
URL /authorize
Method GET
client_id Client Id (from application registration)
response_type code
scope full
redir_uri Redirect URI (must match URI in application registration)
state Optional context information for callback

After succesfull authorization, the end user session is redirected to the external application with the following parameters:

  • Context information (from redirect)
  • Temporary authorization code (valid for 10 minutes)

The external application calls a webservice to exchanges the temporary authorization with the permanent refresh token by providing:

  • Temporary authorization code
  • Application id
  • Application Secret
  • Callback URL

The external application permanently stores the refresh token for the end user

Parameter Value
URL /auth
Method POST
grant_type refresh_token
refresh_token Refresh token (from application authorization)
Returns JSON structure

External Application Requests

The external application must exchange the refresh token for an temporarily (60 minutes) valid access token before accessing RSJ LPS NG for an end user. It calls a webservice with:

  • Refresh token

It receives:

  • Temporary (60 minutes) access token

The external application includes this access token in its web service requests (in the Auth HTTP Header or as a parameter)

RSJ LPS NG associates the access token with the external application and the end user.

The access token can become invalid at any time (even before it is expired). In this case, an 401 error is returned and the external application must retrieve a new access token before retrying the failing request.

Parameter Value
URL /auth
Method POST
grant_type authorization_code
code Authorization code (from redirect)
client_id Client Id (from application registration)
client_secret Client Secret (from application registration)
refresh_token Refresh token (from application authorization)
Returns JSON structure
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